Falling for Sky (Cyborg Seduction Book 11)

Falling for Sky (Cyborg Seduction Book 11)

Mick knew signing up to run a solo mining operation would be boring, but a ten-year stint will earn her enough credits to retire. She’s got her robot companion to keep her company, and she even makes a friend via communications who she gets to talk to every few months when Sky is flying within range. Once her years are up, she fantasizes about confessing her true identity as a woman and maybe he’ll be interested in more than friendship. Until then, she must follow protocol by keeping her voice synthesizer on, pretending to be a man.

As the cyborg expert on all things human, Sky’s job includes chatting with Earthers, gleaning any intel that might lead to the deadly Markus Models—androids who are bent on ending all life. He particularly enjoys talking to Mick, a friendly Earther stationed on a mining planet. But Sky gets the shock of his life the next time he hails him and discovers not only is his friend under attack by pirates, but “he” is actually a “she.” Mick is short for Mickayla—and she’s captivating.

Sky’s always wanted an Earther woman for his own, someone he’ll never have to share with another cyborg, and Mick is his for the taking. All he has to do is disobey direct orders, abandon his current mission, and rescue Mick, all before his council can punish him for his misdeeds.

Piece of cake, as the humans would say.

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Top Reviews

I love Laurann Dohner’s Cyborg Seduction Series!!! I have been anticipating this book for three 3 years!

Falling for Sky 😍❤️🔥 I’m so in love with this storyline. He is considered to be an expert when it comes to interacting with the humans. To understand this storyline, I’d recommend reading or listening to this hot and addictive series.
I have listened/read this entire series and I love them, but Sky is one of my favorites. He meets Mick an earther working alone on a dangerous mining pla...

By Yu Hand

I love Laurann Dohner--she is an insta-buy for me.
However, I'm noticing a change. Her writing used to be edgier--her cyborgs, for example, were the best....they could be mean, react out of anger, not worry over the consequences of their actions...now? Her writing, over all, is getting mellow and politically correct and that annoys me. It's starting to feel more cookie-cutter. I wonder if she listens to her critics too much...I wish she would just write the way she did in the beginning. I wa...

By Claire Klocko

I'll read anything she writes. I was entranced by her New Species series (and wish she'd write more). They're full of angst, love, tenderness, strength, sex, triumph over adversity, and more. This book is no exception; it's fast-moving, has characters that are relatable and an all-around good plotline.
One theme I notice that runs through all Ms. Dohner's stories is to like and accept yourself as you are. This is powerful and makes for GREAT storytelling. Most often her stories are extremely...

By Jesusita Littel

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